Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)

In some ways today’s students are very fortunate to have so much information at their fingetips with just the click of a button. On the other hand, having all of this information readily available can be dangerous. Students may not fully understand the global power of the internet. According to Education World, “Many educators and parents fear dangers that the uncensored Internet might hold for children: inappropriate or obscene words and images; violence; and people who pose an online threat.”

One way to put these fears at ease is to develop a clear and concise Accepatble Use Policy. These policies are necessary for schools and other businesses. Network users must agree to appropriate terms of use in order to protect themselves and others on the network. An effective AUP should serve as a legal document, protect students, inform parents, and be: complete, adaptable, and unique for your school or business.

According to the US Department of Education’s online Alphabet Superhighway AUPs should include:

  • A description of the instructional philosophies, strategies and goals to be supported by Internet access in schools
  • An explanation of the availability of computer networks to students and staff members in your school or district
  • A statement about the educational uses and advantages of the Internet
  • An explanation of the responsibilities of educators and parents for students’ use of the Internet
  • A code of conduct governing behaviour on the Internet
  • An outline of the consequences of violating the AUP
  • A description of what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable use of the Internet
  • A description of the rights of individuals using the networks in your school/district (such as the right to free speech, right to privacy, and so on)
  • A disclaimer absolving the school district from responsibility, under certain circumstances
  • An acknowledgement that the AUP complies with provincial and national telecommunication rules and regulations
  • A form for teachers, parents and students to sign, indicating that they agree to abide by the AUP

As I mentioned above, AUPs should be unique to each school district or business, but by including the above items and respectively enforcing their AUP, schools (and businesses alike) can be confident that their network is safe and secure.


Examples of school AUPs:

1. Washington County Board of Education Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Telecommunication

2. Virginia Beach City Public Schools AUP

3. Rocky Point Schools AUP

4. Worcester Public School Internet Safety and AUP



Acceptable Use Policies for Internet Use. (n.d.). Media Awareness Network | Réseau éducation médias. Retrieved June 17, 2012, from

Education World: Getting Started on the Internet: Developing an Acceptable Us… . (n.d.). Education World: The Educator’s Best Friend. Retrieved June 17, 2012, from

Web 2.0/Mobile AUP Guide . (n.d.). CoSN Home Page. Retrieved June 17, 2012, from      

2 thoughts on “Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)

  1. This post is presented well and is very clear. The list form the Department of Education provides a good framework to build upon when writing a new AUP. When I looked through the AUPs of the school districts in my area I wish they would have been organized in this fashion.
    Doug Becker

  2. Hi Jennie,

    You make an excellent point about the massive amounts of information available to students, which can pose safety concerns. Schools are a place to learn about the world and how to safely interact with it. Having a clear AUP is great exposure of the realities of the world as well as providing a good framework for students to interact with the web (in and out of school).

    Great resources of examples for AUPs.


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